Feeling Drained?
If you are feeling drained right now, it's totally understood. Working from home, on the front lines or lost your job, teaching your children, working overtime, handling it alone...that's enough right there. With all that is added to that; the happenings of the world right now, it's no wonder you're feeling drained. Hey, it is ok. Yesterday on Instagram Live I featured some amazing clinicians. The common theme was, taking time out to take care of yourself. It's okay to take a break. I talk about these things all of the time. Now more than ever, we need to recognize the signs of fatigue and emotional drainage. If we don't, our bodies will surely let us know through sickness and weariness. Pay attention to your mind, body and spirit. Pay attention to your emotions and your reactions. Take time out for you. Take time out to breathe.
Check out the video with 3 black, female clinicians on IG TV https://instagram.com/surroundedbywellness/ and Surrounded by Wellness on Facebook.
So true!!!
Thank you Daddy!!!!!
Love the “empty” caricature! Thank you for the reminder to take time for self / to take time to breathe!! Totally enjoy the conservations you had with the three clinicians! Very inspiring and informative! Good job! 😘